More than 100 years of innovation
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About us

AGI – Augusto Guimarães & Irmão, Lda. Becomes part of the Hromatka Group, one of the main distribution groups in the polymer market and highly qualified local specialists. The Hromatka Group, with a presence in 16 European countries, already has 3 own laboratories, 2 compounding factories, 20 extrusion lines, 100 commercials and more than 8,000 customers. Maintaining a local and proximity logic, this event allowed AGI to have an even closer relationship with the producers of raw materials, highlighting the geographical coverage in which the Hromatka Group has a presence.

Aware of the economic and environmental importance, AGI has been promoting the incorporation of recycling systems since the 1970s, becoming in 2019 the first Polymer Distribution Company in its country to obtain ISCC PLUS certification;

1st polymer distribution company in Portugal to sell 3D printing equipment and filaments;

Makes the first installation MES – Manufacturing Execution System – anticipating the industry age 4.0;

It sells the first artificial intelligence injection machine from 2 decades of experience in this area;

In 2002, AGI expands its activity to an Iberian perspective in alliance with the Guzman Global group;

In 1995, it becomes the first service company in Portugal to be ISO9001 certified;

In the early 1990s, AGI was one of the first companies to design and install centralized production systems in its industry and soon afterwards added robotics solutions to its offering.

In 1990, he began distributing Lexan polycarbonate sheets, a partnership he still has for nearly 30 years, and created the building materials department;

Already with a strong vocation for technical plastics, in the 1980s AGI was appointed sole distributor of General Electrics Plastics, a relationship they currently have with SABIC;

Precursor in the electrical cable and telecommunications industries in the 1970s;

Process productivity and stability was quickly identified as critical, leading to the incorporation of peripheral equipment such as refrigerators and temperature controllers as early as the mid-1960s;

Still in the first half of the twentieth century AGI is a pioneer in what has become a new industrial sector, importing the first thermoplastic injection machines in Portugal;
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